Have you ever tried googling “Live Virtual Instruction”? Here is the first definition you will get from Purdue University, “Virtual instruction is when a course is taught either solely online or when components of face-to-face instruction are taught online such as with Blackboard and other course management systems. Virtual instruction includes digitally transmitting class materials to students.”
While this definition may work for Purdue University, let me tell you a little bit about Live Virtual Instruction with the World of Learning Institute. First things first, we meet in Zoom. Zoom is a free application, but learners do not need to download it. Their instructor simply provides them a link and with some wifi…. “Bam!” They have just walked into the classroom.
When learners enter their zoom room, they are greeted by their instructor in the language they are learning. Throughout the live session, learners WILL participate and engage through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. A combination of screen sharing, chatting in the chat box, playing games, role playing, and drawing will be happening. Paying attention and participating is a must!
Lastly, your instructor WILL learn your name! Live Sessions are the best opportunities for instructors to get to know their learners. They like to find out learner interests, future goals, or anything that will help develop a personalized approach to language learning. This makes learning a new language intrinsically motivating to the learner.
Let me leave you with a bonus item too! All of our live sessions are recorded and posted in the courses so learners always have an opportunity to revisit instruction. This can help the learner who is home sick with the flu or the learner who has questions while working independently and wants to listen to their instructor’s explanations.
The World of Learning Institute’s live sessions are unique and no one else offers this type of virtual learning environment!
Resource: https://www.lib.purdue.edu/uco/ForInstructors/virtual.html