11 Reasons to Invest in World Language Instruction
Simply put, World Languages are an important part of a well-rounded education. To ‘educate’ is to lead out, to lead out of narrow and dark ways of thinking, opening hope and possibility.
World Language Instruction is a fundamental and valuable resource. The benefits go beyond the typical need for college entrance where you most often find high schools offering – Spanish and French, and some regions and specialty schools offer German or Latin. There are some places lucky enough to have expanded offerings, like Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Russian. What does world language instruction look like in your school?
Can you imagine having World language instruction as a necessity instead of just a requirement? That it is seen a rich and valuable experience with benefits for every learner? Language is most easily acquired by the young and is important at any age. World Language offerings benefit all learners, not those just bound for post-secondary college institutions as they offer a window to the world. In addition, they support academic instruction and social-emotional learning. Here are some of our favorite reasons for providing everyone with World Language Instruction!
TOP 11
(there are more)
- The study of World Language improves the knowledge of one’s own language and grammar while improving vocabulary.
- A second language improves grades in math and English and scores on SAT and GRE (and other standardized tests as well).
- World Language study enhances listening skills and memory.
- Learning a world language improves students’ analytical skills. In a world where the ability to look at information with a critical eye, being able to analyze information is a critical skill in a Future Ready school.
- Business skills, plus a world language increase employability. In some jobs (and colleges) having skills in a second language can be the difference in getting hired (or accepted to college).
- Creativity is increased with the study of world languages. As students are exposed to new ideas and cultures they are opened to new ways of thinking and learning. Their ability to express themselves in new ways expands not only their point of view but also their vocabulary.
- Communication skills are developed and improved through the practice and study of a World Language.
- There is an improvement in skills like problem-solving and dealing with abstract concepts.
- World Language improves your marketable skills in a global economy.
- World Language instruction expands one’s world view and makes us more flexible and tolerant.
- World Language study opens the door to art, music, dance, film, fashion, cuisine, philosophy and science.
So which of these benefits would help your school and your learners? The value of a rigorous engaging World Language program offers so many benefits it is hard to imagine why more of us don’t have these resources starting in our lowest grades. Can you think of any other resource that provides so many connections to improving ALL learning for ALL our students?
What are you waiting for? If you need help or support to think about how you can revive, enhance or expand your program click HERE to read more. Click HERE to start a conversation.
Want to explore more about why the benefits of World Language Instruction are so important>
Check out THIS article on the benefits, check out this article about skill employers think are valuable, or this article about critical 21st Century Skills.